We always strive to have the best customer service around


We will always try to work with our customers and are always looking to improve and make everything as easy as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

1What types of devices do you repair?
We fix all types of devices, from computers, laptops, phone and tablets to even other related electronics like cameras, appliances and even some minor car repairs and upgrades. Just reach out to us and ask about anything we try to help where we can!
2Do you offer repairs on cheap or inexpensive devices?
This will depend on the device, it may cost more to ship then it's worth. We will offer a different pricing for these types of devices but if you have a bulk of devices or have something inexpensive that you want to send with another order for fixing we can always work something out. Example would be if you have a smart sensor that's $10, it wouldn't make sense to ship out to have it fix. Now if you have a laptop in for fixing, you would put this with it and if it can be fixed we can offer a small fix repair along side it. Any questions related to this you can always reach out. We always believe in trying to fix and repair all types of devices and not add them to a land fill.
3Can you provide me with a estimate cost?
Yes, we can provide a estimate cost to fix/repair and if in the process of fixing, if cost will exceed estimation by a fair amount we will notify the custom before proceeding.
4How long does it take?
It all depends on the issue and how many repairs we have currently going on and if special parts are required to be ordered. We try to take no longer than 1-2 days when we get the item but we will always notify a customer and update them the current status as frequently as we can.
5What kind of shipping and tracking do you offer?
We offer all types of options, if you live in the area we offer free drop offs and pickups. For shipping the customer would chose who they would ship the product from to send in for repairs. We will provide details on how to ship products to us to make sure we can keep you order and product together. When we ship out we tend to use USPS but if you have a shipping company you prefer to use this can be requested but may increase the shipping costs. We also offer on site repairs with it's own labor and costs but understandable as shipping out a washing machine isn't something that is easy to do or cheap. All products will include a tracking number number unless otherwise stated and the custom will be notified before shipping. Small items may not have one due to low shipping costs.
6Can I send or drop off broken or ewaste devices?
Yes you can! If you have old or broken devices that you see no value or broken beyond repair we can always use these for our repairs to restore other devices or even help have these removed in a safer and cleaner manner then just sending them off to the dump.
7Is there a warranty on the repairs?
Yes, depending on the repair or installation, we will give a 30 day warranty on most of our services. If you exceed this date, do not hesitate to reach out to us about the issue, we are always willing to work with our customers.
8What is your pricing?
All pricing depends on the type of device or service required. It can be a set fee or a hourly rate. You can request a price and a estimate will be given but isn't final price. If pricing exceeds more than the estimated cost by an extreme amount the customer will be notified. When it comes to doing work for businesses or on site work, rates can change once on site depending on the work. There is many times the work being given and what actually needs to be done differs. If you need a onsite estimate please reach out and we can set up times to meet and give a more accurate rate. *Rates change due to economy reasonings or more work needing to be done then what can be seen. **All prices given are rough estimates unless stated as a set price. Any traveling will be charged at $1 a mile due to increased gas and car maintenance prices. ****There is a service charge of $100 to look at or attempt to repair a product. Consumer repairs are $25 an hour with a minimum of 3 hours, while businesses are $50 with a minimum of 2 hours, pricing can change or very based on the situation.
9What payment do you accept?
We accept payments from PayPal (which includes their PayPal Credit, Credit Cards, Venmo and anything else they support), Cash App and Cash. We do not accept checks.
10How long do I have to pick-up/pay for my device?
Once the service is completed you have 30 days to pay. Failure to pay in the time will result in you losing your device. If you need to set up a payment plan we can offer that as well, contact us and we can discuss a working payment plan.

If you have fully paid and fail to pick up the device, we will hold the device for at least 60 days. If failure to pick up, the device may be sold or used for parts.
11How do on site repairs work?
On site repairs will need to be set by appointment. Any work done on site follows the same terms and conditions as through our website or walking in. By using our on site repair service all customers are assumed to have read through all our terms and agreements and understands our procedures as well understanding of our pricing.

Office Hours

We operate at all hours of the day, anything outside of our normal operating hours listed below are for emergency or high requests made by customers and will have additional costs associated with them. You can contact us 24 hours a day!
  • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Open per request and device drop offs are still available.

Drop Off Hours

Drop offs can be made outside of operating hours, we will allow you to stop by and drop off devices.
  • 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Just call or request due to office being closed.